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Subscribe to Events and Festivals BlogRegarded as one of the most coveted sailing competitions in the world, the Falmouth Tall Ships Regatta is a world class event conducted in the scenic surroundings some of Britain’s most iconic waterways. Organized annually the open contest is a joint venture by Royal Greenwich, Cornwall, Falmouth and London and one of the few competitions in the world that takes places exclusively on English waters. The three day event in Falmouth welcomes more than 40 sail training vessels that hail from various countries around the globe while the town will also come alive with activities and shore side events associated with this yearly contest.
Due to take place from the 28th to the 31st of August, 2014 the parade route of this year’s Tall Ships Regatta takes the breathtaking sailing vessels across some of the most stunning landscapes of the British Isles. Starting their journey on 31st August the ships will sail the calm waters between the St.Mawes and Pendennis castles which were Tudor residences of none other than Henry the VIII. The Parade of Sail will then continue on to the starting line located at iconic Falmouth Bat where they will set off eastward towards the finish line located near the famed Isle of Wight. The participating sailing vessels will then head on to the British capital London where they will sail across the iconic River Thames to the final port in Royal Greenwich. Local celebrations continue on for 5 days after the arrival at Royal Greenwich in a community festival like no other.
The Tall Ships will occupy Falmouth from 28to 31st August while the race for the finish line takes place from the 31st of August to September 2nd. The cruise then follows from the 3rd-5th September with the Royal Greenwich portion of the regatta taking place from 5th to 9th September.
Festivities held in conjunction with the Falmouth Tall Ships Regatta include live musical performances and art showcases. Street theatre events and dance performances are also organized at the town festival which also markets maritime and nautical themed souvenirs and keepsakes.
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Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry.Google+