Mid Autumn Festival in Hainan Island – Strengthening Family Ties

September 19th, the 15th day of the 9th lunar month according to the Chinese lunar calendar, has been set aside this year to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival throughout China and amongst Chinese communities all over the world. From the 19th to the 21st of September, people of Chinese origin everywhere will take advantage of the pleasant autumn weather to get together with family and friends to share a meal, in which moon cakes figure prominently, under the light of a moon that is at its fullest.

Thousands of people who may have migrated from Hainan Island return home to be with family and friends for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Many decorate their homes in coloured lights and red lanterns on tall bamboo poles. Street markets spring up everywhere and lantern parades, lantern displays and floating lanterns form part of the vibrant decorations that add a touch of glamour to the celebrations. In addition, Chinese opera performances, puppet shows enacting the story of Chang’e the moon goddess, fire dragon dances, making offerings to the moon goddess and lighting incense, planting mid-autumn trees and fireworks displays are all part of the celebrations that take place in the rural areas and main cities of the island. Family and friends partake of food under the light of the moon and lovers pray to remain together. During this time of new beginnings, young people propose to their sweethearts. Family members who may be absent from the celebrations are sent greeting cards and electronic messages as a form of absentee inclusion in the festivities.

Preparing and consuming moon cakes is one of the festival’s key activities. Traditionally rectangular, square or round shapes were filled with powdered lotus, sesame seed, sweet bean paste or salted egg yolk. Now, the making of cakes has taken on a whole new meaning with every hotel, café and restaurant in Hainan involved in the process. Brand new shapes, sizes, and fillings cater to contemporary tastes. Durian, green tea, chocolate, coffee, strawberry, orange, and ice cream, among others, seem to be the preferred fillings. When the cakes are consumed, gifts are also exchanged.

Festival time is when the island is inundated with visitors, as many also opt to take time off to be with loved ones. Going to the beach, enjoying water sports, trying out a golf swing, taking a refreshing dip in the hot springs, visiting scenic sights and tasting world famous Hainan cuisine are on almost every visitors ‘to do’ list.

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Angela Fernando is an impassioned travel writer who composes pieces under the pen name Sumaira Narayan. She loves writing about new and exciting places around the world and hopes to visit them all someday. Google+