Festivals in Bali – Unique and vibrant

A traveller planning to enjoy their holiday in Indonesia to the fullest should make it a point to make reservations at a Bali luxury spa resort. An ideal choice of a Bali spa resort is COMO Shambhala Estate Bali. An island rich in natural beauty, Bali has long been a famed tourist destination. Whilst there are numerous attractions for travellers to explore, local events and festivals offer a glimpse into the distinctive local culture. Some of these festivals celebrate the art of woodcarving whilst others include harvest festivals, harvest festivals, colourful parades, fasting ceremonies and more. Experience the wide range of vibrant dances, processions, purification and much more. When it comes to non-religious festivals, there is the country’s Independence Day.

Thanuja Silva is a travel writer who writes under the pen name Auburn Silver. She has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world. Google+

Festivals in Bali – Vibrant and unique

Bali is a traveller’s paradise and Bali hotel accommodation caters to their discerning needs. However with one of the ideally located Bali hotels such as Anantara Seminyak Bali, you will be assured of a remarkable holiday in the region. Attractions in the region include various religious and cultural festivals. Harvest festivals, parades to the sea, fasting & retreat ceremonies, temple festivals and more are among these events. One of the main religious festivals in Bali is Nyepi Festival which marks the beginning of the New Year. Held before this is the Melasti Festival which is dedicated to driving evil spirits away from the island.