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‘Tis the season for merriment and joy, when families gather in the spirit of harmony and grace to pile presents under the tree and bask in the warmth of good company and great food. The city of Auckland herself is bedecked in her seasonal best, and the Auckland city hotel that you stay at will be featuring a stunning array of Auckland hotel specials guaranteed to make your stay here unforgettable, such as the Copthorne Hotel Auckland City. Certain neighbourhoods in the city of Auckland are adorned with magnificent displays of light and Christmas ornaments that capture the spirit of the season. Stroll through these delightful areas and allow your sense of goodwill and joy to soar, as many houses compete for the honour of …

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As the rest of the world watches on enchanted, the colour, the glory and the rhythm of the celebrations of the Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival begin with the new moon, and continues in its charming glory for 15 festive days. Here the dearly departed are fondly remembered and honoured, family ties are strengthened, relationships renewed, household gods worshipped and all evil is swept away. Long long ago, as the folk lore describes, the horrifying monster of ‘Nian’ that held captive the villagers of China in its fearsome grip, was confronted by an old man, whose wise words drove the dreaded beast in to the deep dark jungle, freeing the people from their worst fear. So great was the gladness that the celebrations …

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Just like other people around the globe, Indonesians welcome the New Year with great joy and festivity. The excitement naturally begins on December 31st, when Indonesians like their counterparts in other countries prepare to bid farewell to the year that is drawing to a close. It is a time for reflection on the twelve months that have passed by, and to celebrate the successes and milestones that have been achieved. In Indonesia many of the public festivities are centred on the urban areas, where families and friends get together to party the night away. Groups of people get together in car and motorcycle convoys in which they roam the streets of the big cities, notably the capital Jakarta. Since many Indonesians work on New Year’s …

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If you are looking for a unique way to ring in the New Year, then consider heading to the Maldives where you can combine a fun holiday in the tropics with much celebration and festivities. An ideal option would be to stay at a Maldives island resort such as Kuramathi Island where you can herald in the New Year in an intimate getaway by the sea. This luxurious resort features charming Maldives villas that provide an ideal home away from home in this tropical paradise. Those wanting to witness the pomp and pageantry of locals during New Year can head to such destinations as the capital Male, where one can witness a variety of festivities. December 31st see the city streets come alive at night with dancers, drummers and …

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The year is coming to a close and it is time to make plans for the New Year’s Eve celebrations. For those who want to welcome the New Year in a different and a unique way, one of the best options to do is to celebrate it in a different part of the world. For the enthusiastic traveller and the adventurer one of the finest places to celebrate the dawn of 2014 is in Hong Kong. The city hosts some of the most spectacular fireworks and great parties to welcome the New Year and it is also one of the regions in the planet which will be first to welcome the New Year. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people gather at the Victoria Harbour …

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The celebration of the New Year on the 1st of January each year is in fact according to only one calendar: the Gregorian calendar, the existing calendar which has been unofficially acknowledged by a number of high profile institutions thereby making it the most accepted. While the Gregorian calendar remains the most accepted, a number of countries, depending on the regions they belong to, celebrate the dawn of the New Year according to various calendars. As a result, nations of the world celebrate this event at different times of the year such as the Cambodian New Year, the Filipino New Year Celebration, the Islamic New Year, the Sinhalese New Year, Baby New Year, Twelve Grapes and more. The Chinese New year is one such celebration …

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