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Known to be the holiest month of the year according to the Islamic calendar, the period of Ramadan is a sacred time of the year for all Muslims. With a mostly Islamic population the city of Dubai is at the heart of the celebration as millions of devotees observe the customs and rituals associated with the holy period with great religious fervour and devotion. Ramadan for the year of 2013 will officially commence on the 10th of July and conclude on 9th August this year, precisely a month and one day in duration. Marking the revelation of Islam’s holy text, the Quran, the festival begins with weeks of fasting that culminate in the Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. The Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing …

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One of the most beautiful end entertaining cities in Sri Lanka is Negombo. Approximately thirty kilometres away from the capital of the country, the economy of this city is mainly based on tourism and the fishing industry that dates back to generations and generations. Even though located closely to the capital of the country, this city has been able to preserve its natural beauty without getting polluted in major scale. The soft white sand that can be seen miles away and the turquoise blue water that laps the sand is truly a breathtaking site that anyone would come across while in Negombo. The boats with sails that have vibrant colours can be seen harboured on the beach in order to take the visitors on an …

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The town of Kataragama in Sri Lanka is famed as a popular pilgrimage destination for many devotees from all parts of the country and even overseas, attracting Hindus, Buddhists and even the indigenous Veddah community. Hindu and Buddhist veneration of Kataragama has been practiced for centuries, with followers of these two religions holding slightly different beliefs regarding the site. Tamil Hindus identify the presiding deity of the locality as Lord Katirkaman, who is identified as Skanda-Murugan, also known as Subramanya. Buddhists, on the other hand, consider the local divinity to be Kataragama Deviyo, a protective deity of Buddhists and their religion. In fact the town is revered as one of the sixteen most sacred Buddhist pilgrimage sites in the island. However there is no doubt …

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In all the many Chinese Festivals that fill up the calendar perhaps nothing tops the spook chart than the Hungry Ghosts Festival. The name itself is a crowd puller and whoever makes the audience is fascinated by the range of events lined up from the beginning to the end. The story behind the festival is just as interesting as the festival itself. The Chinese believe that every year at around the time of the festival, the gates of Hell are opened and the spirits from here are set free to roam the earth. As tribute to these souls of the dead, this festival is commemorated and several Chinese people gather on this day to remember and pray for the deceased members of their family. In …

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Kataragama is a town located in the south of the island nation of Sri Lanka that is a noteworthy pilgrimage destination for Hindus, Buddhists and the indigenous Veddah people alike. Even devotees from southern India come to this venerated site to pay their respects at the sacred shrines gracing the locale. The site of veneration is the Kataragama temple, known in the Sinhalese language as the Kataragama devalaya; it stands in honour of God Skanda-Murugan or Kataragamadeviyo as the locals call the deity. Tamil followers of the Hindu faith, both in Sri Lanka and southern India, call the location Katirkamam. The deity is variously known as Skanda-Murugan, Katiradeva, Subramanya, Kandasamy, Tarakajith and other names by the Hindu community. The god is depicted as having twelve …

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Kandy is one of the Sri Lankan destinations that is very popular among both local and foreign visitors. The beauty of the city is due to one major reason for visitors to visit this city over and over again without getting bored. Known as the “Hill Capital” of Sri Lanka, this city is developed and modern but still preserves its ancient values. The cool climate will welcome all those who enter this ancient city of the kings. Kandy holds another record of being the last kingdom of the country. The lake located within the centre of the city, which is known as the “Nuwara Wewa” adds more beauty and tranquillity. Standing majestically in front of this lake is the “Temple of the Tooth Relic” also …

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